Peter Klipfel
biotech music software musings
There is currently a lot of news dedicated to an outbreak of coronavirus in China and the US. I wanted to understand more about this virus with the knowledge that I have gained on my biology learning path.
Gene transfer in plants
Inserting genes into plants is how we get GMOs and other cool plants
Creating a virus
Viruses can be very useful for synthetic biology. They allow us to add DNA to larger organisms with greater certainty. In this post, I want to add my own understanding to a procedure that I found on the internet.
DNA Extraction
In order to learn about the genes of organisms, we must first get a purified DNA sample. This post goes over what that process looks like.
DNA sequencing methods
One of the driving factors behind the recent explosion in progress in synthetic biology has to do with the cost and speed of genome sequencing and synthesis. I wanted to understand more about how it actually works.
How computers can be effectively applied to biology
Bacterial artificial chromosomes (BAC)
BACs are useful for duplicating larger sections of DNA than can be duplicated with PCR or will fit on plasmids.
Useful resources
An ongoing list of useful resources
Plasmids show up everywhere, and are very useful to synthetic biologists. They are short, circular pieces of DNA that are separate from the chromosome of the cell that they inhabit.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
PCR is a common lab technique used to amplify a gene for use in further tests or steps.
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